15 / 09 / 2011, 11 : 07 PM | المشاركة رقم: 1 |
المعلومات | الكاتب: | | اللقب: | عضو ملتقى برونزي | الرتبة | | الصورة الرمزية | | البيانات | التسجيل: | 07 / 09 / 2011 | العضوية: | 47989 | المشاركات: | 371 [+] | بمعدل : | 0.08 يوميا | اخر زياره : | [+] | معدل التقييم: | 201 | نقاط التقييم: | 12 | الإتصالات | الحالة: | | وسائل الإتصال: | | | المنتدى : Moltqa Ahlalalm For Dawah Any person is free does not allow any one to consume his mind and oppress him with lies. But every man must think. For years, global media targets Islam and its people. Became the designated retarded. Are a group of desert environment characterized by mental stupidity (thus portrayed Islam) and terrorism and backwardness and darkness of the manifestations of an uncivilized. Although the first of the medicine is Inform - Ibn Sina - and history traveler Ibn Khaldun, fonts, son of Joseph And Marketing of science. Islam is the religion of tender love - the work of religion and science Rather than allow any one that brings us false information, we have to investigate the truth Also interested in how to eat, drink and play and have fun Think about the important It is important to know that this world is transient Come learn about Islam, even for information only And my brother interested in learning the religion of Islam
Islam is a religion of words and deeds
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