المعلومات | الكاتب: | | اللقب: | عضو ملتقى | الرتبة | | الصورة الرمزية | | البيانات | التسجيل: | 06 / 08 / 2010 | العضوية: | 37105 | العمر: | 36 | المشاركات: | 46 [+] | بمعدل : | 0.01 يوميا | اخر زياره : | [+] | معدل التقييم: | 179 | نقاط التقييم: | 12 | الإتصالات | الحالة: | | وسائل الإتصال: | | | المنتدى : ملتقى أهل العلم الدعوي Merciful : (Knight Beautiful: ((the Merciful))) () (Varahman which he described as mercy, merciful, merciful to His slaves, and that is the Almighty says: [parties: 43], [Repentance: 117]. Did not arise Rahman slaves, and Rahman, the believers, with the name of Rahman, who is on the weight of Flan of the capacity of this description, and evidence of all the means described it, do not you think they say: "Passion, for the full rage, and Landman, Hiran, drunk and Hvan is full of this, the Building Flan to the capacity and coverage, and this pairing rising over the throne with that name a lot, interpretation of the meaning: [Taha: 5], [Furqan: 59], sat up on his throne on behalf of Rahman; because the throne ocean creatures have power, and compassion Surrounding Creation and wide for them, as he says: [custom: 156], applies equally to the greatest creatures in the broadest qualities, and therefore sought mercy of everything. In al-Saheeh from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: ((when they had God's creation, He wrote in the book, he has placed on the Throne: "My mercy prevails over my wrath)), and in another narration: ((it has at throne)). Think about the scope of this book mention compassion, and putting him on the throne, and the floor between that and saying: [Taha: 5] and saying: [Furqan: 59], open your door to a great knowledge of the Lord, if not shut it for you disruption and frown) () (and ... to see what is in the presence of the effects of mercy to private and public Fberhmth Send us His Messenger, peace be upon him and revealed to us his book and Asmna of ambiguity, and guided us from misguidance, and the sight of blindness, and guided us from error, and in His mercy knew of His names and attributes and actions are We knew by that of our Lord and Maulana, and mercy as we know what we did not know, and guided us to the interests of our religion and our mundane, and in His mercy briefed the sun and the moon, making night and day, and the extension of the ground, and make it a bed and mattress, and a resolution, and to draw together the living and the dead, and in His mercy established the clouds and rain rain and briefed the fruit diets and pasture , and mercy mocked us horses and camels, cattle and Zllha constituency for the ride, pregnancy, and eating and pearls, and in His Mercy Mercy set between slaves Itrahmwa, as well as between other types of animals. This is compassion, which, including some of the effects of mercy, which is described by his grace, and likewise to himself, including the name of the Merciful, and brought to the meanings created by his mercy, and the sight and enabled them the reasons for their mercy.
Rahman Rahim