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Moltqa Ahlalalm For Dawah This Section for non muslim whom looking for the truth , and for who want to increase their knowledge . |
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كاتب الموضوع | ابو الوليد البتار | مشاركات | 1 | المشاهدات | 1904 | ![]() ![]() ![]() | انشر الموضوع |
| أدوات الموضوع | إبحث في الموضوع |
![]() | المشاركة رقم: 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| المنتدى : Moltqa Ahlalalm For Dawah Holes in Evolutionism as Seen By Quran ![]() Holes in Evolutionism as Seen By Quran Honey Bee-Housing and Healing Fluid By Dr.Salama Abd AL-Hady Starting by these two verses concerning the Honey-Bee, we may read: [16:68-69] And thy Lord inspired to the Bee to build her houses (hives and colonies) in hills, on trees, or in (men's) habitations; Then (He inspired to her also) to suck of all the flowers (of the earth), and find (with her gifted skills and peculiar features) the spacious paths arranged by her Lord (created or paved): there issues from within her abdomens a drink (fluid) of varying colors, wherein is healing for men (a cure from diseases): Verily in this is a God Sign for those (humans) who can think over. These verses draw a scientific portrait for the bee in a unique system that integrates the beehives, the bee features, the bee product (honey), the bee social life, the fruits and flowers of the plants and the human beings as the end users of the bee products. So, Quran does not state the Bee as just an insect which is claimed to be found by a chaotic evolution mechanism in the race of insects, but as a developed creature found by the Will of Allah, the Great and Wise God, and holy inspired to fulfill assigned tasks and objectives through predetermined strategies and methodologies and sustained by special features and tools. So, the holes in evolutionism as stated in these verses are not limited only to bee creation by special and genius features but it is extended to the miracles in the beehives, colonies, social life, honey production, wax and propolis production, bee resources (plants), bee tools and spacious paths paved to fulfill assigned tasks. Considering the first verse, it refers to the genius Beehives or house building. Such stated community requires a bee colony of builders, cleaners, parents, teachers, farmers, conditioners and guards in addition to multitude of tasks to be performed for such highly developed house. Further, the bee requires a variety of body parts to complete the assigned tasks in this verse. Such body parts have odd features that, as will be discussed later, do not follow the line of the Darwin’s evolutionism. We find in such house (or hive) different functions which are fulfilled by the three types of bee: Queen, Worker and Drone. It is not really possible to put the three in order of “importance”. They all have vital functions without which the colony would perish. The Queen is designed with two principal functions. The first is to lay a vast quantity of eggs. A good Queen will lay a single egg at the base of each cell. The egg is white, c.2mm long and will grow into a C-shaped, shiny, moist larvae. The Queen has a large abdomen. Within the abdomen are her ovaries. From these, the oviduct leads to the spermatheca where the egg gets fertilized. Each ovary is made up of 120-150 strands (ovarioles). Worker bees retain vestigial ovaries but these only have a few ovarioles which sometimes develop if the colony becomes queenless resulting in a “laying worker”. This is usually “diagnosed” by the presence of large numbers of eggs in single cells. The second key function of the Queen is to give off a pheremone known as “Queen substance”. Whilst the workers groom and clean her, their craving for this substance is satiated. This pheremone has a cohesive effect on the colony. The workers’ body needs to be built to forage, work within the confines of the hive, guard and undertake a host of additional tasks. Within the hive they will feed the young, seal the brood, produce wax and draw out cells, receive nectar from returning foragers…… Once nectar is inside the hive, it is processed into honey. Water is evaporated from it until the water content is between 15-17% then the workers seal it over. Wasps have to chew at fenceposts and trees to make their papier-mache to construct their nests. Bees make their own building material – Wax. This is produced from underneath their abdomens from four wax mirrors. The bees catch the wax produced with their hind legs, pass it up to the middle and then front legs then, using their mouth parts, working as a team, mould the wax into cappings of genius structures. The hairs on the abdomen, legs, thorax, head….indeed all over the bees’ body are an essential tool in the pollination of flowers. The collecting of nectar is thus of mutual benefit to plant and bee. It is really useful for the beekeeper to remember that the bee is here to fulfill its’ symbiotic relationship with flowering plants, not to produce honey for humans. Both bees and flowers have evolved as a partnership thus enabling pollination in a large proportion of flowering plants. For humans however, the value of the bees in bringing about cross-pollination of fruit is huge and they should be credited with increasing world food supply by a considerable amount. The Bee punches holes in the claimed evolutionism: As seen in the previous scientific discussion, motivated by the words of the stated Quran verses, we may find how the Islamic creationism contradicts the materialistic evolutionism. In the Quranic Creationism, God assigned special features to each thing and guides it, according to its assigned features, to perform specific functions and objectives specified by His Will. He defines Himself by this verse: [20.50] He said: Our Lord is He Who gave to everything its creation, then He guided it (to its goal). Accordingly; the following holes may be marked in the evolutionism: Special features of Honey Bees: Bees have special features that are odd in comparison to other insects. Such features contradict the line of Darwin’s evolutionism. Such features, as previously stated in the Quran verses, are created to help the bee to perform allocated tasks: to build a genius house and offer the curative honey for the human beings. Specially, the bees have exoskeletons, that are hard outside and soft in the middle. The exoskeleton is made of 3 or 4 layers of chitin. Their thorax contains lots of indirect flight muscles for the wings and legs. If a wasp scavenges a dead bee, it will bite off the head and abdomen and carry away the thorax to feed its’ young. Worker bees forage for: nectar, pollen, propolis and water. Nectar is stored in a separate “honey stomach” which is in the abdomen. On each hind leg, the worker has a “pollen sack”. The bee rubs its’ back legs together to compact the pollen it has collected down into the “sack”. The front leg of the bee has a notch at the top of the tarsus of each of the front legs that it uses to clean the antennae. The middle leg of the bee has a spike or spine to help pass up wax cells. The back leg is the most interesting leg. This has rows of little brushes called pollen combs which are used to pass pollen up the leg. As it makes this journey, the pollen is moistened with a bit of nectar so the bee can knead it into a pellet and then place it on a spike that we call the "pollen sack". Bees need pollen for their protein so they store it near their brood nest to feed the young. The worker bee storing the pollen puts its’ legs down into the cell and levers the pollen off the spike then another bee will come along and use its’ head to pummel down the pollen compactly into the cell. Over time, the cell fills with layers of different colored pollens. Water is especially important for the colony in early spring. The bees dig into their stores as brood rearing starts apace. Some of the stores may have granulated and so a water source is essential. Only 5-10% of bees actually gather propolis. They carry it on their hind legs in sticky blobs. They use their mandibles to tear off propolis and move it around the hive. It is used to block gaps and embalm invaders such as mice. The circulatory system of the bees comprises 5 “simple hearts” in the abdomen which power the bees’ “blood” called haemolymph. The haemolymph is not carried by arteries and veins but flows loosely around the body, controlled by the dorsal and ventral diaphragms. Oxygen enters into the bee via spiracles (including two rows of 6 on the abdomen) thence into trachea and into bellows in the abdomen which distribute it into the haemolymph. The Acarine Mite can get into the bee via the big spiracle in the T2 section of the thorax. The presence of acarine mites can only be detected by studying the respiratory system where dark brown stains will be found in the tracheal tube. The bees have special digestive system. The proboscis sucks up nectar into the cibarium (mouth). It then passes into the pharynx and oesophagus then between the indirect flight muscles that control the wings down into the “honey sack”. The “honey sack” is very flexible and, when full, expands hugely at the top end of the abdomen. At the end of the “honey sack”is the proventriculus. It is the gut beyond the proventriculus that is susceptible to nosema. Nosema, a small protozoan, attacks the epithelial cells inside the lining of the gut (ventriculus) which shortens the life of the bee. Nosema spores can be clearly seen under a x400 magnification microscope. They look like tiny grains of rice. They are all the same size and structure. Inside the ventriculus are the malphigian tubes . These are the bee-equivalent of the human kidneys. The malphigian tubes take out nitrogenous waste from the haemolymph and the waste passes into the rectum. The bowel and rectum can also expand. In winter, bees can store waste material for weeks before going out on a “voiding flight” on a warm day. Husks of pollen grain are common waste content. Bees have a special nervous system that comprises a small “brain” and 7 ganglia right down the body. The 7th is near the end of the abdomen. This is why the detached body part of the bee sting continues to pump venom. The ganglia control the wings, haemolymph, legs etc….Bees have a range of glands that come into use at certain stages of their lives when there are particular tasks to perform. The earliest glands to be used are those involved in the production of brood food, specifically the hypopharangeal, mandibular, post-cerebral and salivary glands.The wax glands are essential for drawing out wax.Workers have a gland at the end of their abdomen. This Nasanoff gland is used by the guard bees at the hive entrance to disseminate a scent that guides young bees back to the entrance during early flights. This has a vinegary scent. How the evolutionists may find a logical explanation for a chaotic evolution of such glands, stomachs, hearts, nerves, brains, husks, kidneys, tubes, eyes, legs, sacks, etc. No answer can be found without a strong belief that these verses were revealed from the Creator of such bees and the unique system of plants, environments, humans and the whole universe. 2.-The Beehives: Bees receives the most astonishing knowledge and instructions of genius engineering and architecture in the animal kingdom, stand out from many other creatures in terms of their social lives, and amaze scientists who study their means of building and communication. Bees build their genius house by specially manufactured wax in their glands. Such house or hive is built in a large team work and it has minimum material and maximum capacity with separate room for each egg or larva. They are different from many insect species. They live in colonies, building their nests in tree trunks or similar closed areas. A bee colony consists of a queen, a few hundred males, and from 10,000 to 80,000 workers. There is one queen to each colony, and she is much larger in size than the other bees. Her main task is to lay eggs. Reproduction can take place only by means of the queen, and no other females are able to mate with the drone males. In addition to laying eggs, the queen also secretes important communicative substances that maintain the unity of the colony and the working of the various systems inside it. The drones are larger than the female workers, though they lack stings and the necessary organs to collect food for themselves. Their only function is to fertilize the queen. The worker bees perform all such other tasks that you might imagine, including making the waxen combs in the hive, gathering food, producing royal jelly, regulating the temperature in the hive, cleaning it of debris and defending it. There is order in every phase of the life in the beehive. Every task, from the care of the larvae to meeting the general needs of the nest, is performed to the full. This can be seen more clearly when looking in detail to the care and altruistic behavior that the other bees display to their young. The bee housing is air conditioned at temperature 33.5 Celsius and 50 % humidity. Such humidity and temperature keep the larva and honey at the optimum conditions. The bee hives are continually cleaned, maintained and protected by the highest team working, the best techniques and methodologies. Such house building, colonies organization, job classification and life management represent another hole that cannot find a logical explanation by chaotic evolutionism. The miraculous wax produced for building, the proplis for protection and the other chemicals for maintenance and cleaning represent other holes in the evolutionism. The only logical explanation is to believe that the Bees receives such instructions by inspiration described in these verses by God’s words revealed to His Last Messenger, Mohamed. 3-The Honey: As the verses mentioned, there is issuing from the bee abdomen a miraculous fluid. Such fluid has Antibacterial and antifungal properties that cures the humans as mentioned in the stated verses. These properties of honey are well established. Undiluted honey inhibits the growth of bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, certain gut pathogens and fungi such as Candida albicans. At a concentration of 30-50%, honey has been shown to be superior to certain conventional antibiotics in treating urinary tract infections. The exact mechanism of the anti-microbial effect of honey remains obscure. Low pH, osmotic disruption of pathogens and the presence of bactericidal substances, collectively called inhibine may all play a part. At a concentration of 40%, honey has a bactericidal effect on various gut bacteria known to cause diarrhoea and dysentery such as Salmonella, Shigella, enteropathogenic E. coli and Vibrio cholera. In one study, honey given with oral rehydration fluid was shown to reduce the duration of bacterial diarrhoea in infants and children. The honey has also wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties. So, honey is of value in treating burns, infected surgical wounds and decubitus ulcers. Honey is very viscous, enabling it to absorb water from surrounding inflamed tissue. For example, a study in West Africa showed that skin grafting, surgical debridement and even amputation were avoided when local application of honey to wound promoted healing, whereas conventional treatment failed. In another study, wound healing was accelerated by application of honey in women who had undergone radical vulvectomy for vulval cancer. Also, it has been suggested that honey may be useful in the treatment of chronic, foul smelling ulcers seen in leprosy. The honey has also anti-cough properties which are related to its capacity to dilute bronchial secretions and improve the function of the bronchial epithelium. Uncontaminated honey is a healthy, easily digestible, natural and energy rich food. It contains carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, enzymes and vitamins. One tablespoon of honey provides 60 calories and contains 11g of carbohydrates, 1mg of calcium, 0.2mg of iron, 0.lmg of vitamin B and 1mg of vitamin C. Honey is widely available in most communities but its medical potential remains grossly underutilised. Its mode of action remains incompletely understood and the healing properties of honey in other clinical and laboratory situations requires further evaluation. The evolutionism cannot find a logical explanation for prostrating the bee to produce such miraculous honey for the humans. The miraculous beneficial properties of such honey, so beautifully ex-pressed in the considered verses 14 centuries ago, expose the reluctance of modern science to accept and exploit this 'traditional remedy'. 4-The miraculous Portrait: The integrated Portrait drawn by the stated verses including the beehives, bee lives, bee production, bee secretion, bee resources, bee benefits and bee instructions shows the Will of One Creator who manages such integration in His Universe and fits to it the bee creation and the verses recitation. So, such insect is a miraculous challenge for the evolutionism and any evolutionist. Holes in Evolutionism as Seen By Quran | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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![]() | المشاركة رقم: 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| كاتب الموضوع : ابو الوليد البتار المنتدى : Moltqa Ahlalalm For Dawah ![]() thank yuo my brotherABOALWALEED | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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