المعلومات | الكاتب: | | اللقب: | عضو ملتقى ماسي | البيانات | التسجيل: | 21 / 01 / 2008 | العضوية: | 19 | المشاركات: | 30,241 [+] | بمعدل : | 4.84 يوميا | اخر زياره : | [+] | معدل التقييم: | 0 | نقاط التقييم: | 295 | الإتصالات | الحالة: | | وسائل الإتصال: | | | المنتدى : ملتقى أهل العلم الدعوي Jannah or Paradise is not for men alone. It is prepared for both, righteous men and righteous women. All the joys and blessings of Jannah are for both of them. Allah has mentioned in the Qur’an that He put both Adam and his wife Hawwa’ (Eve) in Jannah after creating them, and He told them to eat and enjoy everything (except the fruit of one tree). [See al-Baqarah 2: 35; al-A`raf 7: 19] Thus, all the trees, gardens and rivers of Jannah are made for both men and women and they both will enjoy them. All Believers, males and females, will enter the Jannah. Allah says, ( Gardens of perpetual bliss: they shall enter there, as well as the righteous among their fathers, their spouses, and their offspring) (ar-Ra`d 13: 23) Further, Allah says, (Indeed, the people of Paradise will be happily occupied. They and their wives shall be in shades, reclining on raised couches. There are for them fruits and there is for them all that they ask for…) (Ya-Sin 36: 55-57) In the Hereafter Allah will say to the Believers, (Enter the Garden, you and your wives, you will be made glad. There will be brought round for them trays of gold and goblets, and therein is all that the souls desire and eyes find sweet and you will stay there forever. This is the garden, which you are made to inherit because of what you used to do. Therein for you is fruit in plenty whence to eat. ) (Az-Zukhruf 43: 70-73) There are many other places in the Qur’an where it is mentioned that men and women both will find their reward and none will be deprived. [See: Aal `Imran 3: 195; An-Nisa’, 4: 124; An-Nahl 16: 97; Al-Ahzab 33: 35; Ghafir 40: 40] The life of women in Jannah will be as pleasant and happy as the life of men. Allah is not partial to any gender. He created both of them and He will take care of both of them according to their needs and desires. Let us all work to achieve the Jannah and then, in sha’ Allah, we will find there what will satisfy all of us fully. This verse clearly denotes that those women who do righteous deeds are rewarded with Paradise and given a high rank that is equal to the good deeds they have offered. Shedding more light on this issue, we'd like to cite the following fatwa issued by the outstanding Muslim scholar, Sheikh ibn Jibreen: There is no doubt that reward in the Hereafter encompasses both men and women. This is based on the following Qur'anic verses: ( Lo! I suffer not the work of any worker, male or female, to be lost) (Al `Imran 3: 195) (Whosoever works righteousness, whether male or female, while he (or she) is a true believer, We will give a good life. ) (An-Nahl 16: 97) (And whoever does righteous good deeds, being a male or a female, and is a true believer, such will enter Paradise. ) (An-Nisa 4: 124) (Verily, the Muslims, men and women, the believers, men and women... Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward. ) (Al-Ahzab 33: 35) Allah mentions them entering into Paradise together, saying: (They and their wives will be in pleasant shade. ) (Ya Sin 36: 56) (Enter Paradise, you and your wives, in happiness. ) (Az-Zukhruf 43: 70) Allah also mentions that He will recreate women in Paradise in the following verse: ( Lo! We have created them a (new) creation. And made them virgins… ) (Al-Waqi`ah 56: 35-36) That is, Allah will recreate the elderly women and make them virgins; the same will be done for old men, Allah will make them youth. It is also mentioned in the Hadith that the women of this worldly life have a superiority over Al-hur Al-`In due to the acts of worship and obedience that they performed in this world. Therefore, the believing women will enter Paradise just like the believing men. If a woman had a number of husbands, she, upon entering Paradise with them, would choose among them the one with the best character and behavior.
reward of women in paradise