A) The Shahadah ( testimony ) :La Ilaha illa-Allah,Muhammad rasulullah ( Non has the right to be worshipped but Allah,and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah).
That means there is no God to be worshipped on earth or in the sky but Allah and all worships should be done for him and Muhammad (salalahu alaihi wasalam) is his messenger to all mankind on earth and the nation should obey him because his obedience is the obedience to Allah.So if you wish to get the love of Allah and to be rescued in life and in the end day ,follow the messenger of Allah.
B) Iqamat-as-Salat ( to offer the compulsory congregational prayers dutifully and perfectly).The prayer(salat) is very important no work or duty is accepted without prayer.If any muslim has done Hajj,fasting of Ramadan m,zakat(charity) and all good deeds but he did not pray all that good deeds will not be accepted>so, prayer is necessary wor; for accepting duties. The prophet (salalahu alaihi wasalam) had given an attention to his nation that the one who did not pray or not taking care of prayer truly he is not a Muslim.The prophet said:the obligation between us and them is the prayer and the one who leaves it is a non Muslim.Also, the prophet (salalahu alaihi wasalam) said:between aman and disbelief or polytheism is abandonment of prayer. So, it very important to keep and take care of this great pillar and it is essential to do it with muslims in the mosque if do not have an emergency excuse as illness,fear or rush rain as the prophet indicated.
C) To pay Zakat ( zakat is mandatory charity)when a muslim owns 85 grams of gold or its equivalent in cash.2,5 % must be paid after possessing this quantity for a year.Zakat (charity) is also due on other forms of property ,the details of which will be found in religious translated books.
D) Hajj(the greater pilgrimage to the house of Allah in Makkah) for whoever is able to do so.Hajj is requested once in life for a muslim who has an ability to do it.Capability is consists of; money ,health transportation and way safety .And fora woman,she should get someone of her relatives as husband,brother…etc. Because the prophet (peace be upon him ) prevented her to travel anywhere (even hajj)without unmarriageable.
E) To observe Saum(fasting during the month of Ramadan)Lwith the intention to obstain from the start of dawn until sunset from food, drink and everything else which breaks the fast.
The Pillars of Iman(faith):
A) Allah{in his experience ,his oneness,in his attributes,his deserving to be worshipped and supplicated and his right to legislate }
B) His angles {being created from light for obeying Allah's orders.
C) His Books{the Torah,the Gospel of Jesus,the Psalms of David and the Qur'an which is the best of them}
D) His messengers{the first of them was Noah and the last of them is Muhammad( salalahu alaihi wasalam) being the seal of the prophets}
E) The Last day{the day of resurrection for the reckoning of the people according to their deeds and their appropriate compensation {Award or punishment}
F) And to believe in Qadar {divine preordainment (that all occurs of good and evil is by divine decree,accompanied by the employment of means to achieve desired results with satisfaction of what happens of good or bad,the sweet and the bitter,because it occurs by Allah's decree}
Source: The Pillars of Islam And Iman. By:Muhammad Zeno. Dar-us-Salam publication.